Mikael Melbye – Soul Images
With Danish and English text
Opera singer, scenographer and artist - yes, the titles are many for one of Denmark's cultural superstars, Mikael Melbye. The singing career that has brought Melbye around the world's leading stages is well known, as is the opera direction and set design, which has brought him great honors across most of the globe.
With Danish and English text
Opera singer, scenographer and artist - yes, the titles are many for one of Denmark's cultural superstars, Mikael Melbye. The singing career that has brought Melbye around the world's leading stages is well known, as is the opera direction and set design, which has brought him great honors across most of the globe.
With Danish and English text
Opera singer, scenographer and artist - yes, the titles are many for one of Denmark's cultural superstars, Mikael Melbye. The singing career that has brought Melbye around the world's leading stages is well known, as is the opera direction and set design, which has brought him great honors across most of the globe.
Mindre kendt er imidlertid virket som billedkunstner, som ikke desto mindre udfylder mere og mere af Melbyes tid, og som har resulteret i en række meget vellykkede portrætter, friluftsstudier samt mytologiske figurkompositioner. I anledning af Melbyes 60-års fødselsdag i marts 2015 udgiver Forlaget Kleart kunsthistoriker Thyge Christian Fønss' bog "Mikael Melbye - Sjælebilleder", der grundigt gennemgår og formidler kunstnerens malede oeuvre fra årtusindeskiftet til i dag.
Rigt illustreret helbindsbog 220 sider 22x27 cm. Udkommet i april 2015.